lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012
Un poco de optimismo
miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2012
lunes, 23 de julio de 2012
Anuncios de las Paraolimpiadas y Olimpiadas 2012
El caso es que a excepcion de tres o cuatro canales irlandeses, casi todos los demas son britanicos y te empapas de television inglesa cada vez que enciendes la tele.
Esto permite ver como se retratan los vecinos, y una de las cosas que mas veo es que estan bastante orgullosos de si mismos.
Con el tema de las olimpiadas han hecho un anuncio, que a mi me parece buenisimo:
Tambien es cierto que este orgullo se ve en anuncios de origen estadounidense mas a menudo, otro par de anuncios que me han llamado la atencion son los de P&G y Tide.
El de P&G:
Y el de Tide:
Por la parte mas casera solo he encontrado este anuncio de RTVE:
Personalmente, los anuncios de las paraolimpiadas que han hecho en el Reino Unido me parecen buenisimos:
Restaurante Catalan en el Reino de Kerry
El restaurante es el The BoatHouse Bistro y el menu fantastico, choricitos al vino, patatas alioli y pa amb tomaquet para empezar, una parrillada de pescado y marisco de primero, y finalizado con una crema catalana..
Una delicia de menu con unas vistas espectaculares:
Como de costumbre, el sitio esta aqui
lunes, 16 de julio de 2012
martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011
Cloud Computing en Irlanda
Clouds of confusion as Galway councillor tells another to 'go f..k himself"
A GALWAY councillor has refused to apologise for swearing at a County Council committee meeting after he told a fellow councillor to "go **** himself"
Local area councillor Seamus Tiernan made the amazing outburst after he was told he was a "feckin eejit" for thinking that cloud computing was only suitable in areas with lots of rain.
He had told the Infrastructure Committee meeting this week that his native Connemara would be ideal for cloud computing because it has heavy cloud cover for nine months of the year."
The Independent councillor said that the Government should be doing more to harness clean industries for the Connemara area and he named wind energy and cloud computing as two obvious examples.
"Connemara in particular could become a centre of excellence for wind energy harnessing, as it is open to the Atlantic. Also in terms of cloud computing, we have dense thick fog for nine months of the year, because of the mountain heights and the ability to harness this cloud power, there is tremendous scope for cloud computing to become a major employer in this region."
However his mistake was pointed out by an incredulous Cllr Martin Shiels who said that "this is taking the biscuit. I've heard it all now. You must be a fecking eejit to think that the cloud computing had anything to do with climate."
Cllr Tiernan took umbrage at the remarks of his colleague and called for them to be withdrawn. When Cllr Shields refused to do so, Tiernan said "go **** yourself, Cllr Shields."
Chairman Sile Ni Baoill asked for both councillors to withdraw their comments, but Cllr Tiernan was repentant that Cllr Shields was wrong and that cloud comouting is linked to cloud cover.
"Tell me why large companies are opening server farms in cold wet countries then, he asked Cllr Shields.
jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011
Greener grass
Por ejemplo, la empresa suministradora de electricidad me dio bastantes dolores de cabeza hace unos meses, realizando cobros sin autorizacion mia y organizando un jaleo de tres pares a la hora de cambiar de una a otra, lo mismo para cambiar la cuenta para domiciliar los pagos; y eso sin contar que la mitad de las veces no entienden mi apellido ni aunque lo deletree con el alfabeto de la OTAN, el de alfa, bravo, charlie...
Hoy he realizado una gestion del mismo tipo en España, he necesitado tres minutos para hacerlo todo, y ni siquiera he hablado con un operador.
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence... bueno, no siempre :D